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Mediso Medical Imaging Systems with headquarters in Budapest is a dynamic supplier of Nuclear Medicine and modern Hybrid Imaging techniques to the health care and medical research institutions of the world. The company was founded in 1990 by experts of the largest research and manufacturing company of the region which has been engaged of nuclear equipment manufacturing since 1960.

Main activities of the company:

  • Researching innovative human and pre-clinical imaging technologies

  • Developing leading edge human and pre-clinical systems

  • Manufacturing, servicing and selling imaging equipment

  • Providing diagnostic clinical services

Research and Development

The business strength and perspective of Mediso is based on its R&D activity. To keep production on the leading edge continuous development of new products is a must. The company's declared aim is to develop competitive Nuclear Medicine and Hybrid Imaging equipment applying the most up-to-date technology. More than 50% of Mediso employees are engaged with R&D. (75% of Mediso employees hold higher academic degrees.)

A number of co-operations have been formed with hospitals, clinics and scientific institutions ensuring that the developed technology is in accordance with the needs of Mediso's clinical partners.


The high quality unique systems designed with top level engineering and elaborated solid solutions are implemented to physical reality by the manufacturing section of Mediso. Carefully selected suppliers of quality parts and specialised high-precision subsystem manufacturers are key factors in the quality of final product integration.

Sales and After-sale Services

The Mediso-affiliated German and Polish subsidiaries and the word-wide distributor network ensures close contact with our customers and offers quick response for their requests. More than 800 Mediso cameras are installed worldwide in 81 countries.

Diagnostic Clinical Services

Mediso operates two PET-CT and nuclear medicine centres at the University of Debrecen and in Budapest. The strong university and clinical background gives Mediso a first-hand clinical experience and important application feedback.


Anyscan SC

Dual Head SPECT/CT System

The AnyScan® SC SPECT/CT system combines SPECT and CT modalities in a single gantry placed in a common gantry housing under the control of a single NuclineTM workstation, providing an optimal workflow solution for SPECT/CT multimodal applications. Precise matching of the two modalities is ensured by an accurate alignment method. An advanced reconstruction software is responsible for the accuracy of data, gained from the multimodal procedure.


InterviewTM WS

Multimodality Imaging

The InterViewTM FUSION workstation ergonomically integrates with all multimodality applications in Nuclear Medicine combining SPECT, PET, CT and MRI images.
Auto-registration algorithms, special segmentation methods, direct reading and recognition of different image modalities from DICOM files and wide range of function-specialized toolboxes are just a few samples of practical features providing comfort to the user.
The multimodality workstation is a natural ally for AnyScan multimodality molecular imaging systems.


Anyscan SC Flex

Dual Head SPECT/CT Flex Option

Due to its flexible detector movement AnyScan® SC SPECT/CT are suitable for all demanding scan procedures.

Acquisition in PA and AP positions with standing patient.

Examination of patient sitting on wheelchair or sitting on a chair between the detectors. Acquisition on gurney in supine and semi-supine position.

Cardiac acquisition with online body-contouring



Last update 30/10/24 :: KeV Medical Imaging :: Γ.Ε.ΜΗ. 139086907000

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